Saturday, February 21, 2009

Letter to Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan

Below is a letter I wrote recently to Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, the President of Lok Satta Party ( I take the liberty to share the letter in public, as it is in the spirit of public interest and is not demeaning to anyone personally.


Dear Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan,

It has been a pleasure speaking your name. After the Lok Nayak Jaya Prakash Narayan, I am glad for being able to speak this name again in the present context.

My name is G.V.Prakash; I am working as xxxxx with xxxxx. I am actually from Hyderabad, India. As many others, I am too inspired by you and the organization/party ‘Lok Satta’. I whole heartedly appreciate the activities of Lok Satta and your insight and optimism shown in solving the problems of the people. I do not want to take more space here in appreciating the things that you are already aware of. However, as a humble and obedient being aiming for the good, I would like to mention below one stand of Lok Satta that I contradict with, and also offer an advice towards accelerating the party for the upcoming elections.

Capital Punishment

“Lok Satta demands capital punishment:

The Lok Satta Party today demanded that the law be amended to facilitate award of capital punishment to perpetrators of crimes like rape and disfigurement of women with acid attacks. The police should be made independent and the courts made to give out their verdicts in a specified period.”

I contradict with the above conviction primarily for the following reason –

The party also mentioned:

“But in our agony and anguish we should not condone the police killing criminals since they might kill innocents on another day at the instance of those in power or the moneyed since we live in a society which subscribes to the ‘might is right’ theory.

The Lok Satta leaders said there had been instances of the kin of politicians in Andhra Pradesh getting away with murder while the son of a Minister in Goa accused of rape was allowed to go scot-free. Unless the police were liberated from politicians, justice would continue get derailed.”

I sincerely believe that the above mentioned scenario applies to the case of ‘Capital Punishment to perpetrators of crimes like rape and disfigurement of women’ too. In the present situation of the country, we do not want to take the risk of any innocent being accused for the crime and directed for capital punishment.

More reach out needed for other leaders of Lok Satta

When people think of Lok Satta, all we first see in mind is Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan. If people continue to think after a pause, they should also hold the vision of a dynamic cadre behind the leader, who all together are blooming with the same strength and zeal for working towards a better society. While appreciating the current active participation and work of other leaders of LokSatta at all levels, I would also like to add that all the members/leaders of Lok Satta should be more dynamic and strategic in reaching to the people throughout the state. Interacting with media more often, and personally reaching to the people of all sectors more often will help.

I appreciate the opportunity to interact with you. I would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly ‘Thank You’ for raising the inherent spirits within the people of Andhra Pradesh / India.

Sincerely, and with Best regards,




Anonymous said...

Holy cow .. I didn't know Lok Satta's stand was 'Capital Punishment' for Rape Crimes - my sentiments exactly. Until I read this article I was only inclined and hopeful for Lok Satta .. now I am with it a 100%.

PS: I couldn't understand your reason.

Sarat said...

The question which you wrote to JP sir regarding other leaders in LOKSATTA party must be more dynamic and should reach people through media..

Actually the same question was asked by one of the Callers in a live program to JP sir..

Then he replied "I begged many times these TV channels to bring our leaders and let them get a chance to speak/reach to people .But all channels denied. In this matter,I totally blame these channels for not giving proper opportunity for other faces in LOKSATTA party".