Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For A Better Tomorrow

I would like to start this post by stating an indisputable fact. The fact is that vast majority of us, the people of India, are utterly disappointed by the hardships faced in the country, vexed with the prevailing political situation, and worried about the future of the nation. Let me also state one more fact which I realized through these years. The fact is that path to a positive transformation is not so complex and change is inevitable when people of the nation resolve to act for the same.

People of India are blessed with Independence and Democracy on account of the selfless acts of many individuals decades ago. The true fruits of democracy can be cherished only when we, the people, rightly participate in forming and thereafter functioning of the government. Every eligible individual should resolve to vote. We should vote and the vote should be for the good and right representatives irrespective of caste, region and religion. The vote should not rely on temporary benefits offered by the candidates, but it should instead be based on the credibility of contestants and definite plans presented by them for improving the quality of lives of people. The responsibility of an individual does not end with voting. Every individual’s role also lies in monitoring the functioning of government. People are the only source of change for good governance. One individual’s aspiration for a better society should reflect in his or her daily deeds.

The current ‘Election Procedure’ for legislative members needs to be changed from the present voting system towards giving a better value to each and every vote polled. A system where parties are compelled to create a reliable problem-solving agenda and where contestants are compelled to work honestly at the best of their capability to receive votes is necessary. Every needed individual should receive proper medical attention for a better health and every preventive disease should be proactively controlled. Every child should receive right education and every educated individual should be able to explore suitable Jobs based on his or her skills. Every farmer should be able to cultivate the land through well-informed and well-planned means and the suicides of farmers should come to a complete end. Local governments are to be empowered for the people to receive the benefits in a more faster and efficient way. All these are changes for betterment and this is what ‘Surajyam’ is about.

‘Surajyam’ reflects the inherent aspiration of every individual for a better society. Democratic system is incomplete without people’s participation in the welfare of nation. As Mahatma Gandhiji said, “True democracy cannot be worked by twenty men sitting at the centre. It has to be worked from below by the people of every village”.[1] Now is the time to act and let us walk ahead together with unwavering determination for a safer, brighter, and prosperous nation. Let us march together, in a feeling of oneness, for a better tomorrow.

I will end this post by quoting what Mahatma Gandhiji said:
“I shall work for an India, in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice; an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men. . . . This is the India of my dreams”.[2]  

[1] Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Harijan. 18-01-1948. 
[2] Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Young India. 10-09-1931. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


మేలుకోరా మేలుకోరా నవ ఉషోదయమై సోదరా,
నిజం ఎరిగి కదం కదిపి సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!

అర్ధగంటకు ఒక రైతు ప్రాణం విడిచే విషాద ఈ భారతిలో,
వెలుగు నింపే దీపం అవుతూ సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!

చదువు అందని కలలు పండని చిన్నారుల జీవితాలలో,
ప్రకాశమై చిరుహాసం పంచుతూ సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!

విద్య ఉన్నా ఉపాధి కొరతతో కలత చెందిన యువతకు,
సరి అవకాశాలతో భవిత చూపే సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!

వైద్యం అందక అలమటించే బీదవారి బ్రతుకులలో,
ఆయువు అయి నవ కాంతి నింపే సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!

మేలుకోరా మేలుకోరా నవ ఉషోదయమై సోదరా,
అన్నదమ్ముల, అక్కచెల్లెళ్ళ అందరి బాగుకై నీవు కదలిరా!

సొంత లాభమే నిత్యం నడిచే నేటి రాజకీయం పారద్రోలి,
సమస్త హితమే సదా సాగే సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!

స్వరాజ్య సాధన స్ఫూర్తి విరిసిన అమరవీరుల భావితరమా,
తల్లి భారతి పిలుస్తోంది, సురాజ్య స్థాపనకై కదలిరండి!
వికాస జగతికి, దేశ ప్రగతికి పధం మీరై తరలిరండి!!
కులమతాలకు అతీతంగా, బాషాప్రాంత బేధాలకు అతీతంగా,
మంచి పెంచే చెడును తుంచే బాట మీదై సాగిపోండి!!

మేలుకోరా మేలుకోరా నవ ఉషోదయమై సోదరా,
నిజం ఎరిగి కదం కదిపి సురాజ్యంకై కదలిరా!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

ఒక్కటే ఒక్కటే!

ఒక్కటే ఒక్కటే!
తెలంగాణను తెరిచినా, సీమాంధ్రలో చూసినా -
కుటిల రాజకీయ కుంపటిలో కుళ్ళుతున్న వ్యవస్థ కథ ఒక్కటే,
కుళ్ళుతున్న వ్యవస్థలో అడుగడుగునా ప్రజల కన్నీటి వ్యధ ఒక్కటే!

దగాతో దోచుకునే దళారుల మాయదెబ్బకు,
గిట్టుబాటు ధరలు లేని రైతుల బాధలు ఒక్కటే!
పైపైకీ పెరుగుతున్న అప్పుల భారంకై,
ప్రాణమే విడుస్తున్న వారి దీన గాధలు ఒక్కటే!

ధనం లేనిదే చదువులేని దౌర్భాగ్యపు దుస్థితికి,
బడి జాడ నోచుకోని బిడ్డల బ్రతుకులు ఒక్కటే!
చదువుకున్నా ఉపాధి రాని విద్యార్ధుల మనసులపై,
మేఘమై కమ్ముతున్న నిరాశ, నిస్పృహ ఛాయలు ఒక్కటే!

వైద్యమే అరుదు'వరం'గా మారిన ప్రభుత్వాస్పత్రుల తీరుకు,
ఆరు బయటే అలమటిస్తూ వైద్యం కోసం ఎదురుచూపులు ఒక్కటే!
స్తోమతే సరితూగని ప్రైవేటాస్పత్రుల రుసుముల రక్కసికి,
వేదన తో రోదిస్తున్న అభాగ్యుల శోకసారాలు ఒక్కటే! 

ఒక్కటే ఒక్కటే!
తెలంగాణను తెరిచినా, సీమాంధ్రలో చూసినా -
సగటు మనిషి జీవిత సంగ్రామం ఒక్కటే!
దుష్టనాయకుల దుర్మార్గపు రాజకీయ రీతులు ఒక్కటే!

లేదుగా ఏ ప్రాంతీయ భావమూ ప్రజల కష్టనష్టాలకు,
నిలిచెనుగా ఇవి అనునిత్యం విషరాజకీయ చెంతకు!

మారాలి మారాలి!
దశాబ్దాల చెదలను చీల్చి, సువిశాల ప్రగతి వైపు,
వ్యవస్థ కథ మారాలి!
ద్వేషం చిమ్మే దుర్నీతి నుంచి, అభ్యుదయ జగతి వైపు,
రాజకీయం సాగాలి!

ఆగాలి ఆగాలి!
రాజకీయమే శాపమై, 'అభివృద్ధి' కాంక్షతో సాగే,
ఆత్మార్పణలు ఆగాలి!
జనం జనం ఒక్కటై, కదం పధం ఏకమై,
కుతంత్రాలను ఖననం చేసే శక్తి అయి కదలాలి!
సురాజ్య జగతికి జీవమై సాగాలి!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

What's in the Justice Srikrishna Committee Report?

The contents of the Justice Srikrishna Committee have been summarized and presented in five parts below.

‘Part 1 of 5’ discusses the Regional Economic and Equity Analysis, and Education related issues.

‘Part 2 of 5’ discusses the Water, Irrigation, and Agriculture related issues.

‘Part 3 of 5’ discusses the Health, Power Development, Public Employment, Sociological and Cultural issues, and issues relating to Hyderabad metropolis.

‘Part 4 of 5’ discusses the Political Representation Issues, Students Views and Suicides, Small States and Governance related arguments.

‘Part 5 of 5’ discusses ‘The Way Forward’ and analyses the options available to deal with the present situation.

The intention of the video is un-biased and the objective is to carry the contents of the Justice Srikrishna Committee Report more close to the public. No copyright infringement is intended; any material as such shall be removed upon request/notice.

The background soundtrack is 'Carnivore', by artist 'Mount Cyanide'.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Komaram Bheem_An Indian Revolutionary Martyr

The following video is an attempt to share information on the life of Indian tribal leader and martyr, 'Komaram Bheem'. This is the sole intention of the video and the video is NOT intended to propagate hatred against any nation or group.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Day When Cops Visited My Apartment!

It was a bright Monday morning, after a well-cherished weekend. I was making the way out of my comforter, while the birds whistled in tune of the dawn. Half an hour later, I was out in the hall, enjoying several scoops of cereals. I then heard the sound ‘Tik Tik’ from my door. As I opened the door, there were two cops standing on either side of the door, in a vigilant position. One of them asked, “Are you having any problem today, Sir?” I just stepped out of the little surprise that knocked my door in the morning and replied “No”. He inquired again politely to make sure that everything was alright. The cops then left the place, after I was made aware the reason for their arrival.

Few minutes later as I started my way out to the office, I observed that the cops were still present and were watchful outside my apartment complex. As I recollected the reason for their visit – it was my roomie who was trying to call India that morning, while in the process, he dialed ‘911’ (Police Control Room / USA) instead of ‘91’ which is the international telephone code for India. He however hung up the phone after he realized the mistake. He having called from the landline number and having hung up the phone suddenly, the police were able to trace the call back to our address and they arrived to make sure that there was no problem.

If you accidentally dial 911, do not hang up immediately. Please talk to the call operator and mention that it was an accident. Once the police control room receives a hang up call and if they can not verify by phone that everything is okay, they will usually follow up by dispatching officer(s) to make sure everything is alright. This adds to more resources that can instead be used at some other place where situation demands the most. I too, at that time, didn’t realize the prominence of this issue.

One might be wondering what my roomie, who made the call, was doing when the police arrived! He was in his room, delightful in his talk back home :)

Friday, April 09, 2010

Andhra Pradesh State Bifurcation – Is it Needed?

'Separate Telangana': the words that are echoing often since recently.......Below is my opinion on the separate state demand and a transcript of the same has been forwarded to the Justice Sri Krishna Committee. 

The Problem:

1. Many districts in Telangana region are economically backward at present.

2. There are several existing rules and government orders designed for the upliftment of Telangana region in regard to Irrigation projects and Employment, but these have not been and are not being implemented properly since decades. Several Irrigation projects are shelved, and several government orders are left unimplemented.

3. Districts in Telangana region lag behind in literacy rate when compared to that of Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. 

Is Separate State the Solution?



There are 119 MLAs and 17 MPs from the Telangana region. The current Irrigation Minister, Minister for Higher Education, Home Minister and several other Cabinet Ministers are from the Telangana region. The situation would have been different if these leaders played their roles rightly.

We CAN NOT expect the needed change with the same representatives probably with them enjoying much higher posts. It is for the clean fact that the present state of Andhra Pradesh in its united manner and/or the currently available constitutional rights and resources of these representatives are in no way a hindrance to solve the above mentioned problems. The solution is not complex and it is well achievable within the available resources of the present representatives/government. All we need is good governance–analyzing, regulating, monitoring, and leading the system in the right way.

At present, politicians are propagating hatred on the basis of region and also exploiting/misleading the emotions of the people. Portraying people and politicians from Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions as the sole cause of backwardness of Telangana is not correct. People especially young population who are in despair over the backwardness of the region are being misguided by the politicians through false provocative speeches and other means. People are committing suicides in anguish and this situation has to change immediately.

Bifurcating the State in these circumstances might also result in long-term misunderstandings and disagreements between both the regions over irrigation projects, jobs, migrated people, and other political issues, and it might result in constant unrest between both the regions.

Analysis and Solution:

A rational thinking over the entire issue will indicate that the people of Telangana are emotional towards their well-being and self-respect and that need not be towards a separate state. Developed Telangana is the need of the times and NOT Separate Telangana. An end to the present crisis will begin with steps taken towards the development of the region. A panel has to be set-up in order to study the existing situation in Telangana with respect to Irrigation, Jobs, Education, and other crucial needs. Information about the pending projects and government orders has to be studied and a dead-line has to be executed for the completion of all the legitimate projects and government orders. In addition, the panel has to perform extensive review and analysis on the current problems in the region and innovative approaches to tackle the same. (For example: Small towns around villages should be developed in a way to create more jobs; the situation of jobs concentrating over a particular big city (only) has to change.) A considerable amount of time has to be dedicated for the implementation of above strategies and the outcome has to be evaluated with appropriate steps followed thereby.


There are presently many districts/regions in Andhra Pradesh and India facing severe problems in regard to education, agriculture, unemployment, poverty, and overall economic backwardness. There are several regions in the nation demanding separate states and politicians fueling the situation unnecessarily in this regard. I do not have thorough knowledge behind all these demands in other regions, but I surely can apprehend that move for a separate Telangana state achieved through the present manner (of politicians) might not be in the best interests of the nation; especially with the current way politics are operating across the country. Disorder might rise across the country over similar demands and agitations. In regard to any separate state, sensible and extensive study has to be performed and there should be standard criteria/national policy developed regarding the formation of new states.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Dashabdhala Swantantryam

దశాబ్దాల స్వాతంత్ర్యం దశవిధాలా కుంటుపడితే,   
నిస్వార్ధమైన రాజకీయం నలుదిశలూ మాయమౌతే,
రగులుతుంది రగులుతుంది చితిమంటల్లో భారతావని,
కన్నీరై పారుతుంది గత వీరుల చరితావని!

కుల మతాల కౌగిట్లో కనుచూపులు మందగిస్తే,
ప్రాంతాల నడుమ ధ్వేషాగ్నితో విచక్షనే వికటిస్తే,
కదం తొక్కి కదులుతుంది పైశాచిక అరాచకత్వం,
విషాదమై విలపిస్తుంది విశాలాంధ్ర జనవికాసం!

విషమెక్కిన రాజకీయవలయానికి బానిసై బ్రతుకు సాగిస్తే,
బ్రతుకు తెరువు బాటలో తప్పదుగా మనకు పరాజయం!
అమరజీవుల ప్రేరణతో సాగాలి మన ప్రస్థానం,
ధ్వేషభావాల కారుమబ్బుల నుంచి కాంతి వైపు ప్రయాణం!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Please Drive Safe

Around 3,300 people die on roads each day in the world because of road accidents. Road traffic injuries are one of the top three causes of death for people aged between 5 and 44 years. India suffers with around 1,05,000 traffic deaths in a year, China suffers around 96,000 traffic deaths a year, and US suffers around 42,600 traffic deaths a year (WHO Survey Report). The number of people disabled on account of road crashes is very significant in number. People leave the world, leaving their dreams unfulfilled, and their loved ones suffer the pain lifelong. The pain is inexpressible.

The people who lost their lives on road accidents are not different and they were just like anyone of us. Around 140 people are losing their lives each hour in the world because of road accidents. An accident can happen to anyone, anytime.
Please drive safe on roads. Follow the precautions as below:

1. Obey the speed limits
Speed limits are MEANT FOR SOMETHING on roads. Each type of Roadways (highways, local arterials, residential roads etc.) are designed for certain design speeds based on their functionality. Speed limits are put in place considering these design speeds and the area type. Speeding over this speed is NOT SAFE. Driving is not just about you driving safely, it has also to do with the roadway that you are driving on. In extreme weather conditions, even the design speeds might not be safe. Please do obey the speed limits.

2. Do not drink and drive
A driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.15 or greater is 25 times more likely to be involved in a fatal motor vehicle crash than that of a driver who has not consumed alcohol beverages. Please do not drink and drive.

3. Use helmets while driving two-wheelers and three-wheelers
Head Injury is one of the major factors of traffic accident death, and helmets are the BEST way to safeguard from this. Please use helmets while driving two-wheelers and three-wheelers.

4. Buckle up the seat belts and use child safety restraints
Seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the wearer from hitting hard interior elements of the vehicle or other passengers and by preventing the passenger from being ejected out from the vehicle. Please use seat belts for both front and rear seats and child safety restraints for children; these reduce the risk of fatal accidents.

5. Do not text while driving
Please do not text messages on phone while driving. This increases the risk of a crash by around 23 times as compared to a non-distracted driver. Please also try to minimize the cell-phone usage completely while driving, as various tasks of operating cell phones like dialing, talking etc. increase distractedness and thereby the risks of a crash too.

6. Reduce the speed at work zones
Reduce the speeds at work zones. Many construction workers die each year on account of work zone related crashes. Please do value their lives; they are working for us for better roads, please reduce the speeds and drive slowly near work zones, for the safety of all. According to the statistics - In work zones across the U.S., an injury occurs every nine minutes and a fatality every eight hours

7. Stay alert always
Remember that an accident is not always caused on account of your fault; there may be other factors too. Please stay alert on road always. Watch out for aggressive drivers, pedestrians, and animals on roadways.

8. When you are a pedestrian, please try to cross only at crosswalks/zebra crossings and stay alert. Watch out for vehicles while crossing at intersections, especially for right turning vehicles (in right hand side driving countries) and for left turning vehicles (in left hand side driving countries). These turns, in most places, can be made on red signal too with a stop and go. Drivers making these turns usually look for the conflicting movements from other approaches (for traffic that has ‘green‘ light) and at times might miss to watch the pedestrians in the cross walk. If you are a driver, please watch out for pedestrians in cases like this.

9. Always remember that rules are meant for our safety, and please do obey the road/traffic rules.

Driving is never a fashion and it deals with the lives of you and many others. Please be safe on roads.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Vote for the Right Leaders

Aamir Khan Productions in association with the ‘Association for Democratic Reforms’ produced the following ads, conveying the importance of voting for the RIGHT LEADERS.

सच्चे को चुनें, अच्छे को चुनें!

Source:, YouTube

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Special Polling Arrangements for Physically Challenged

Source: The Hindu

All polling booths will have ramps and all EVMs will have Braille readers: Vidyashankar

BANGALORE: For the first time ever, physically challenged persons will participate in a general election with Braille-enabled electronic voting machines (EVMs), and with ramps installed at every polling centre. Even as this “historic milestone” is celebrated, disability rights activists are irked by inadequate awareness and publicity measures of electoral offices across the country.

“This oversight is in violation of a Supreme Court (SC) order,” alleged Javed Abidi, whose letter to the Chief Justice of India on the mistreatment of physically challenged persons during the 2004 elections resulted in a successful PIL in the Supreme Court.

Mr. Abidi, convener of the Disabled Rights Group (DRG), wrote to the Chief Election Commissioner twice in March, but in vain. “The Supreme Court has very clearly and specifically directed you to not only create special facilities for the physically challenged …but to also give sufficient publicity regarding these measures,” he wrote to the CEC. Mr. Abidi said that the Supreme Court order did not leave scope for any ambiguity. “Given that they had two years to plan, they should have heeded every word of the order,” he said.

So far, there has not been a single advertisement either in the print media, radio or on television, activists allege. The apex court order, delivered in October 2007, decrees: “Sufficient publicity be given in the print and electronic media… so that persons with disabilities are aware of the facilities beforehand and are thus encouraged to go and exercise their franchise.” The CEC had also put this down in black and white in a letter to State Governments and Chief Electoral Officers in 2007. “Many of the physically challenged persons are not likely to step out to vote because experiences have been full of suffering and humiliation for them,” said Mr. Abidi.

This historic development should have been the highlight of this election — that persons with disability are not an “invisible minority”.

Monday, March 30, 2009

No Criminals, Please

In 2004, about one in five MPs had criminal records, including some with charges of heinous crimes such as murder, rape, dacoity and kidnapping. Below are two short videos, very well made, spreading the needed message in this context.


From the above website, one can also download the list of MPs with criminal cases, by state.

Do not vote for criminals, Please.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

C2G Interface-Andhra Pradesh

Here is the link for ‘Citizen to Government Interface’ (C2G Interface-Andhra Pradesh), where one can report/register an issue (complaint) by district to a concerned official, and also track the status of the issue online. Through this, one can also access the Government Orders (GOs) online.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


ప్రజాస్వామ్యం లో నాయకులూ, పార్టీలు అనేవి నీడ, ఫలాలు ఇచ్చే చెట్లు ఐతే, అ చెట్టులకు వేసే విత్తనాలే 'ఓట్లు'. ఇన్నాళ్లూ ప్రజాస్వామ్యం లో భాగంగా మన రాష్ట్ర వనం లో ఎన్నో విత్తనాలు వేసాం, ఎన్నో చెట్లు పెంచాం. వాటిలో మనకి నీడ, ఫలాలు ఇచ్చినవి కొన్ని, ముళ్ళతో గుచ్చినవి కొన్ని. ఎన్నికల తర్వాత ఎన్నికలు వచినప్పుడల్లా ఆ చెట్లకి క్రమం తప్పకుండా నీళ్ళు పోస్తూ పెంచుకుంటున్నాం. కానీ, ఇప్పుడు చుస్తే మన రాష్ట్ర వనం లో నీడ, ఫలాలు ఇచ్చే చెట్లకన్నా ముళ్ళులతో పొడిచే చెట్లే ఎక్కువ అయిపోయాయి. మొత్తం వనం అంతా ముళ్ళచెట్లతో నిండక ముందే, మంచి విత్తనాలు వేసుకోవాలి, 'ప్రజావనం'ని 'నందనవనం'గా మార్చుకోవాలి.

- ఎన్నికలు అంటే ఎవరినో నాయకులవలే కూర్చోబెడటం కాదు, అవి మన జీవితం లో ప్రతి అణువు ప్రభావం చూపేవి అని గ్రహిద్దాం.

- ఎన్నికలలో 'ఓటు' తప్పకుండా వెయ్యాలని తీర్మానించుకుందాం.

- పై పై హంగులకు మోసపోకుండా, మనలో మనమే స్వచ్చంగా ఆలోచించుకుని సరైన అభ్యర్దికి/పార్టీకి మన 'ఓటు' వేద్దాం.

రాష్ట్రంలో ప్రస్తుతం ఉన్న పార్టీలపైన నా అభిప్రాయం -

స్వాతంత్రం కోసం తపించిన 'కాంగ్రెస్' అంటే ఎంతో ప్రీతి,
దేశ స్వేచ్చ కోసం పోరాడిన 'నాటి నాయకులకు' నిలిచెను ఎనలేని ఖ్యాతి!
కాని, నేటి కాంగ్రెస్ నాయకుల బాటే వేరు,
ధనార్జనే ధ్యేయంగా సాగే అక్రమాలే వారి తీరు!

తెలుగువాడి గుండెనించి పుట్టిన 'తెలుగుదేశం' అంటే ఎంతో అభిమానం,
బీదవారి బాగోగులే ధ్యేయంగా అడుగులు వేసిన 'అన్న'గారు నిలుస్తారు చరిత్ర లో కలకాలం!
కాని, అన్నగారి ఆశయాలు 'అన్నీ' కదిలేనా ఈ దినం?
బీదవాడి బ్రతుకు తెరువు ఇంకా 'బాధే'గా అనుదినం!

'అన్న' తరువాత 'అన్నయ్య' అయిన 'చిరంజీవి' అంటే ఎంతో ప్రియం,
'రక్త'దాత గా 'కాంతి'దూత గా పంచారు ఆయన ఆదర్శం!
కాని, నిస్వార్ధ, నిజాయితీ గల నాయకులకే పార్టీలో చోటు నిలిచేనా ఈనాడు?
ఇతర పార్టీల 'వలస' నాయకులతో 'మార్పు' అసాధ్యం 'ఏనాడూ'!

ప్రత్యేక తెలంగాణా 'ఆత్మగౌరవం' కోసమని నినదించెను 'తెరాస',
'ప్రత్యేక అధికార' స్వార్దపూరిత ఆశే వారిని నడిపెనా 'హమేషా'?
తెలుగు 'ఆత్మ'ను వేరు చేస్తే 'గౌరవం' నిలవదురా,
'అభివృద్ధి' అనే మార్పుతోనే 'ఆత్మగౌరవం' కలిగెనురా!!

దశాబ్దాల వంచనకు పలుకుదాము సమాధి,
'లోక్ సత్తా' నాయకత్వంతోనే 'మార్పు'కు పునాధి!

'ఓటు' విలువ తెలియచెప్పే 'బాట'లో నడిచారు,
'ప్రజాస్వామ్యం' మనుగడ కొరకు స్వచ్చమైన పోరాటాలతో కదిలారు!

'రైట్ టు ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ యాక్ట్' ద్వారా 'ప్రజలే ప్రభువులు' అని చూపారు,
'పోస్టాఫీసులలో ఓటరు రిజిస్ట్రేషన్' ద్వారా పౌరులను పోలింగుకు చేరువ చేసారు!

'లోక్ సత్తా' వారి భావాలూ ఉట్టి 'పలుకులు' కాదు 'ప్రణాళికలు',
చీకటి నిండిన లోకంలో అవి వెలిగే 'ఆశాదీపాలు'!

'ఓటు' విలువ తెలుసుకుని కదలిరా సోదరా,
విరజిమ్మే 'బంగారు భవిత' కచ్చితంగా నీదిరా!!