Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For A Better Tomorrow

I would like to start this post by stating an indisputable fact. The fact is that vast majority of us, the people of India, are utterly disappointed by the hardships faced in the country, vexed with the prevailing political situation, and worried about the future of the nation. Let me also state one more fact which I realized through these years. The fact is that path to a positive transformation is not so complex and change is inevitable when people of the nation resolve to act for the same.

People of India are blessed with Independence and Democracy on account of the selfless acts of many individuals decades ago. The true fruits of democracy can be cherished only when we, the people, rightly participate in forming and thereafter functioning of the government. Every eligible individual should resolve to vote. We should vote and the vote should be for the good and right representatives irrespective of caste, region and religion. The vote should not rely on temporary benefits offered by the candidates, but it should instead be based on the credibility of contestants and definite plans presented by them for improving the quality of lives of people. The responsibility of an individual does not end with voting. Every individual’s role also lies in monitoring the functioning of government. People are the only source of change for good governance. One individual’s aspiration for a better society should reflect in his or her daily deeds.

The current ‘Election Procedure’ for legislative members needs to be changed from the present voting system towards giving a better value to each and every vote polled. A system where parties are compelled to create a reliable problem-solving agenda and where contestants are compelled to work honestly at the best of their capability to receive votes is necessary. Every needed individual should receive proper medical attention for a better health and every preventive disease should be proactively controlled. Every child should receive right education and every educated individual should be able to explore suitable Jobs based on his or her skills. Every farmer should be able to cultivate the land through well-informed and well-planned means and the suicides of farmers should come to a complete end. Local governments are to be empowered for the people to receive the benefits in a more faster and efficient way. All these are changes for betterment and this is what ‘Surajyam’ is about.

‘Surajyam’ reflects the inherent aspiration of every individual for a better society. Democratic system is incomplete without people’s participation in the welfare of nation. As Mahatma Gandhiji said, “True democracy cannot be worked by twenty men sitting at the centre. It has to be worked from below by the people of every village”.[1] Now is the time to act and let us walk ahead together with unwavering determination for a safer, brighter, and prosperous nation. Let us march together, in a feeling of oneness, for a better tomorrow.

I will end this post by quoting what Mahatma Gandhiji said:
“I shall work for an India, in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice; an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men. . . . This is the India of my dreams”.[2]  

[1] Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Harijan. 18-01-1948. 
[2] Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Young India. 10-09-1931.