Friday, April 09, 2010

Andhra Pradesh State Bifurcation – Is it Needed?

'Separate Telangana': the words that are echoing often since recently.......Below is my opinion on the separate state demand and a transcript of the same has been forwarded to the Justice Sri Krishna Committee. 

The Problem:

1. Many districts in Telangana region are economically backward at present.

2. There are several existing rules and government orders designed for the upliftment of Telangana region in regard to Irrigation projects and Employment, but these have not been and are not being implemented properly since decades. Several Irrigation projects are shelved, and several government orders are left unimplemented.

3. Districts in Telangana region lag behind in literacy rate when compared to that of Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. 

Is Separate State the Solution?



There are 119 MLAs and 17 MPs from the Telangana region. The current Irrigation Minister, Minister for Higher Education, Home Minister and several other Cabinet Ministers are from the Telangana region. The situation would have been different if these leaders played their roles rightly.

We CAN NOT expect the needed change with the same representatives probably with them enjoying much higher posts. It is for the clean fact that the present state of Andhra Pradesh in its united manner and/or the currently available constitutional rights and resources of these representatives are in no way a hindrance to solve the above mentioned problems. The solution is not complex and it is well achievable within the available resources of the present representatives/government. All we need is good governance–analyzing, regulating, monitoring, and leading the system in the right way.

At present, politicians are propagating hatred on the basis of region and also exploiting/misleading the emotions of the people. Portraying people and politicians from Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions as the sole cause of backwardness of Telangana is not correct. People especially young population who are in despair over the backwardness of the region are being misguided by the politicians through false provocative speeches and other means. People are committing suicides in anguish and this situation has to change immediately.

Bifurcating the State in these circumstances might also result in long-term misunderstandings and disagreements between both the regions over irrigation projects, jobs, migrated people, and other political issues, and it might result in constant unrest between both the regions.

Analysis and Solution:

A rational thinking over the entire issue will indicate that the people of Telangana are emotional towards their well-being and self-respect and that need not be towards a separate state. Developed Telangana is the need of the times and NOT Separate Telangana. An end to the present crisis will begin with steps taken towards the development of the region. A panel has to be set-up in order to study the existing situation in Telangana with respect to Irrigation, Jobs, Education, and other crucial needs. Information about the pending projects and government orders has to be studied and a dead-line has to be executed for the completion of all the legitimate projects and government orders. In addition, the panel has to perform extensive review and analysis on the current problems in the region and innovative approaches to tackle the same. (For example: Small towns around villages should be developed in a way to create more jobs; the situation of jobs concentrating over a particular big city (only) has to change.) A considerable amount of time has to be dedicated for the implementation of above strategies and the outcome has to be evaluated with appropriate steps followed thereby.


There are presently many districts/regions in Andhra Pradesh and India facing severe problems in regard to education, agriculture, unemployment, poverty, and overall economic backwardness. There are several regions in the nation demanding separate states and politicians fueling the situation unnecessarily in this regard. I do not have thorough knowledge behind all these demands in other regions, but I surely can apprehend that move for a separate Telangana state achieved through the present manner (of politicians) might not be in the best interests of the nation; especially with the current way politics are operating across the country. Disorder might rise across the country over similar demands and agitations. In regard to any separate state, sensible and extensive study has to be performed and there should be standard criteria/national policy developed regarding the formation of new states.